Sunday, February 13, 2011

#50 Scam

HSBC Fund Management Co. Ltd.Ireland.
1 Grand Canal Square
Grand Canal Harbor.
Dublin 2.
Republic of Ireland.

Dear Sir/Madam,

Am mandated by my company to consult with you as our funds payment receiving agent, am the Funds Officer of (HSBC) Financial Assets domiciliary Fund Management Co. Ltd.Ireland,Dublin. One of the World Largest Fund Management Company with over USD$411 billion Domiciliary Capital Investment Fund.Nevertheless, as The (HSBC) Financial Assets Management Fund Officer, I handle all our Foreign Investor's Financial Assets Domiciliary Direct Capital Funds.

The interesting part is that some of our Investors has been over paid on their Return Capital Profit (EMRCP) per annul on each on Foreign Investor's Marginal Capital Fund.As an expert,my office has mandated me to recall or instruct Investors to refund such excesses directly to my office.Where you come in is this; I want to trust you to stand as one of our potential Foreign trustee agent to receive such funds from our individual investor who are refunding, but this has to be an understanding between us.

Once you signify your interest, I will further instruct you on the mode by which you will be receiving the funds and your financial benefit will be clearly stated as our payment receiving agent,

Email me your positive response with your details as follows:


(2) AGE:



Awaiting your quick response.


Takashi Peters
(Funds Officer)

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